"I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:..." 2 Timothy 4:7
Paul testified in his last days by evaluating his work, his God-given purpose. He wanted to leave behind instructions that would keep the Church moving forward no matter what transpired once it was no longer possible for him to minister in his body. He knew that even the circumstances surrounding his "cause of death," would be enough to derail some if they did not have guidance from him about what to expect next or what next should be done. He comforted them by making sure they understood that his work was finished and that he had finished strong. He said,..."I have kept the faith." He let them know that they too, must fight a good fight, and that to finish strong, they must finish with "the faith." We shall all finish, but our finish will not count if we do not "keep the faith," no matter the circumstances of our finish. If the player crosses the goal line without the football or the relay-runner crosses the finish line without the baton, he does not get "the prize." Paul wanted us to know that we must finish with "the faith."
Finished means complete; nothing is left out. For Paul, all that was his responsibility to say, he had said. All that was his to do, he had done. All that was his to write, he had written. Paul declared his God-given purpose finished, like Jesus declared His work complete in John 19:30 with the words, "It is finished." We have a tool kit, full of the promises of God in order for us to fulfill our divine purpose. Whatever we need to survive in this life is in our tool kit. God has provided all that we need to finish our course. The men and women of God in the ministry are responsible for teaching us to use the tools left in the tool box.
My nephew, Troy has spent his entire life observing and obeying his father. He knew that his father could teach him to be "a good and godly man." Troy knew that he could count on the instructions from his father to contain the best his father had to offer. He knew that his father would withhold no "good thing," from him. Troy lived his life, confident that his father would always give the best advice and guidance that he had come to trust and count on. His father, Bruce, had guided him through his toddler years, teenaged years, and early manhood years. Troy had no fear of the challenges his middle-aged years would bring because he was convinced that his wise father would be there to navigate his course through those unchartered waters as well.
The enemy would like Troy to believe that now that his father is present with the Lord, his father will no longer be the guide Troy has trusted since he had a memory. This is not so. Bruce finished his course. Part of finishing his course included his responsibility as a father to Troy and to Tiffany. He packed a tool kit for Tiffany. He packed a tool kit for Troy. Bruce said all that was his to say. He wrote all that was his to write. He did all that was his to do. Then he placed the tools in their tool kits.
With joy and confidence, I encourage everyone who has ever received godly guidance from someone who has finished his/her course and has gone to be present with the Lord...I encourage you to go now and unpack your tool kit. There you will find all that you need. For if it is godly counsel you yet desire, the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Bruce, and Francene awaits you. Unpack your tool kit. Joy!
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