Monday, August 9, 2010

Learning To Be Satisfied

Unwisely, I have spent most of my praying life trying to tell God how to bless me. I have rejoiced with others, singing, "Any way You bless me, Lord, I'll be satsified." I believed I meant that. Now, I question myself. This year has been full of high-highs and low-lows for me. I count those highs, but especially those lows, "joy," because they have drawn me nearer and closer to my Lord. Through my low experiences, I have discovered what it means to prefer the Will of God over what I want. What I want becomes a curse to me if it is against the "will" of God. Chasing what I want in this life, detours me from God's purpose for me if I am not subject to His "will."
Children make foolish requests. Some even get what they want by any means necessary (to their own detriment). They learn to regret that success. My life is full of examples of regretting that I got what I wanted, even in matters for which I prayed. Long before now, my faith should have led me to put away childish prayer requests (I Corinthians 13:11). Now I pray, "Lord, teach me to use the resources You have given me to fullfill Your purpose for my life. Then Lord, fill my life with the abundant joy that comes from pleasing You."
I don't have to tell God how to bless me. Jesus assured me in Matthew 6:32 that my heavenly Father knows what my needs are. "Anyway You bless me, Lord, I'll be satisfied. Thank You for the joy in learning to be satisfied with the choices You make and the gifts You give."

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